"iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "60cd636e" to virtual address "0圆C5BFEC0" (part of module "IEFRAME.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "b033606e" to virtual address "0x754914E0" (part of module "USER32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "a035606e" to virtual address "0x7602202C" (part of module "SHEL元2.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "b033606e" to virtual address "0x75FB11BC" (part of module "GDI32.DLL")

"iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "60d2636e" to virtual address "0x75DB13B8" (part of module "SHLWAPI.DLL")

"iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "a035606e" to virtual address "0x75831144" (part of module "LPK.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "c03a606e" to virtual address "0x76021FB0" (part of module "SHEL元2.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "3030606e" to virtual address "0圆C5BFE90" (part of module "IEFRAME.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "b033606e" to virtual address "0x76001210" (part of module "IMM32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "b033606e" to virtual address "0x012B70C0" "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "b033606e" to virtual address "0x758817CC" (part of module "ADVAPI32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "b033606e" to virtual address "0x75CE1100" (part of module "MSCTF.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "b033606e" to virtual address "0x76DC1164" (part of module "USP10.DLL") Pattern match: "Heuristic match: "=earch.hwatch-hon_ne.com"įound a reference to a known community page Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "/payonline:5420,vrbo:5421,vrbo" Pattern match: "Pattern match: "/irstraining:4762,Pattern match: "www.webmail:5475,weight" Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "www.vistaprint:3817,vpn:3818,vpn" Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "www.bing:732,b" Pattern match: "Pattern match: "Pattern match: "www.booking" Heuristic match: "GET /MFEwTzBNMEswSTAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBQz9arGHWbnBV0DFzpNHz4YcTiFDQQUWaRmBlKge5WSPKOUByeWdFv5PdACEA4wi61qV%2BpDzqd9EBiwrsI%3D HTTP/1.1 Heuristic match: "GET /MFEwTzBNMEswSTAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBQz9arGHWbnBV0DFzpNHz4YcTiFDQQUWaRmBlKge5WSPKOUByeWdFv5PdACEAbPvkXyA8N1YpnaM1t8GuA%3D HTTP/1.1 Heuristic match: "GET /MFQwUjBQME4wTDAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBRPWaOUU8%2B5VZ5%2Fa9jFTaU9pkK3FAQUhBjMhTTsvAyUlC4IWZzHshBOCggCEwZ%2FlFeFh%2Bisd96yUzJbvJmLVg0%3D HTTP/1.1 Heuristic match: "GET /MFQwUjBQME4wTDAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBSIfaREXmfqfJR3TkMYnD7O5MhzEgQUnF8A36oB1zArOIiiuG1KnPIRkYMCEwZ%2FlEoqJ83z%2BsKuKwH5CO65xMY%3D HTTP/1.1 Heuristic match: "GET //MEowSDBGMEQwQjAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBSLwZ6EW5gdYc9UaSEaaLjjETNtkAQUv1%2B30c7dH4b0W1Ws3NcQwg6piOcCCQCnDkpMNIK3fw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1 "television_common_1_.js" has type "ASCII text with very long lines with CRLF line terminators" "Sprite_Television_V1_1_.png" has type "PNG image data 1000 x 172 8-bit/color RGBA non-interlaced" "television_1_.png" has type "PNG image data 128 x 128 8-bit/color RGBA non-interlaced"

"setting_1_.css" has type "ASCII text with very long lines with no line terminators" "Base_v1_1_.css" has type "ASCII text with CRLF line terminators" "tiles_1_.json" has type "ASCII text with very long lines with no line terminators"

"1521228087115_1_.jpg" has type "JPEG image data Exif standard: baseline precision 8 200x200 frames 3" "term_mappings_1_.json" has type "ASCII text with very long lines with no line terminators" "weatherAgencyIcon_1_.jpg" has type "JPEG image data Exif standard: baseline precision 8 48x48 frames 3" To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA."urlref_" has type "HTML document ASCII text with very long lines with CRLF line terminators" Copyright 2007 James Fisher This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.